Honeycreek - Home of Excellence

As with most breeders, it always starts with that one pet Beagle. And before you know it, you are into Beagling. But what a journey it has been, yet we firmly believe the best is yet to come.


Beagles are pack dogs, and it is something to appreaciate when you see them functioning as a pack. They really become like a well-knit family. Anyone who has ever had the privilege of owning a Beagle will admit, you will probably have them forever...


They are kind, they are energetic, but I will NOT say they are naughty. They are very intelligent, but they may need some convincing with treats to get them to do anything. ( They love food ) , Care should be taken against overweightedness, as Beagles will win any pie eating contest!

Beagles are even tempered, and thrive on routine! Our pack leader can read time somehow, everyday around 17h00 she will signal dinner time. And you will have to drop tools and supply dinner!


We at Honeycreek focus on temperament and build composure features upon that! First temperament, then all the other goodies.

All our puppies are registered with KUSA and undergo health checks by our Vet.

Contact us via whatsapp for availablity of puppies.